Late Winter Pest Control

Late Winter Pest Control

Many people assume that the cold winter weather kills insects. However, this is far from the truth. As cold winter weather sets in, pests and insects go into overwintering mode which means either migrating or hibernating. Most insects hibernate and they look for relatively safe and warm places to do so. The warmest and safest place for insects to hibernate is in and around your home. This is not only true for adult insects but also larvae, pupae, and eggs. Without proper pest control, the upcoming warmer weather will awaken these pests and come inside your home searching for food and water. As the weather warms up in the upcoming months.

What To Do Now?

Several things can be done now to help with home pest control.

  • Clear away leaf litter and any other debris from around your entire exterior foundation.  Even if you perform fall cleanup, ensure that new areas of debris have not accumulated. The areas serve as perfect insulation for pests and bugs.
  • Ensure the cleared area around your foundation is at least twelve inches wide.
  • Ensure this area is well drained and does not retain moisture.
  • Inspect your foundation for any cracks or openings around windows and door frames.

How Often Should Pest Control Be Done?

Ultimately, the goal of pest control is to keep bugs from entering your home and avoid infestations. Missing your regular pest control in the winter can lead to the opportunity for bugs to easily crawl inside, potentially creating an infestation. Pest control treatments should be applied regularly depending on your needs. This helps keep pests away and avoid infestations. However, some homes may need it more often or less often depending on a variety of factors. Pest control in the winter is important for most homes.

Should You Hire a Professional Pest Control Company?

The decision to hire a professional pest control company is ultimately the decision of each homeowner. The professionals at Arterix Home Pest Control are here to help you with that decision. We are happy to come to your home to discuss your home pest control needs and provide an obligation-free evaluation of your home. We will inform you of any potential insect entry points or noticeable insect damage. Arterix Home Pest Control and its sister company The Beekeepers have been providing pest control services to homeowners in Maryland, D.C., and Virginia for over 30 years. Give us a call today and see what all the buzz is about!