Bees vs. Wasps: Know the Difference
Although these insects are similar, and both have the ability to sting and leave you with a painful experience, bees and wasps are actually very different from one another.
One of the major differences is that honey bees leave their barbed stingers behind and die after stinging you. This is because part of their digestive systems are connected to their stingers. Conversely, all types of wasps have the ability to smoothly inject their stingers into you, release venom, retract the stingers and go on their way.
Also, wasps are more apt to sting you unprovoked or with slight provocation as they are predators and have more aggressive natures. Conversely, bees are pollinators and are generally focused on flowers, and they usually only sting as a defensive mechanism.
Make sure to get medical attention if you have been stung. Additionally, call 911 if you are having trouble breathing, might faint or have already done so, have a swollen tongue or are allergic to these types of stings.
Physically, bees are more hairy and round in shape while wasps tend to be narrower and smoother and have a small waist between their abdomens and thoraxes.
Additionally, bees are more apt to build nests in hidden places like inside trees and chimneys. Conversely, wasp nests are usually more in the open. For example, a nest that looks like one Winnie the Pooh would try to get honey from will likely have been made by wasps.
If you encounter a bee or wasp nest in your yard or home, make sure to contact a pest control professional to ensure that the hive is safely removed and that you or others are not needlessly stung.